Big Box Retailer In-store Walk-through App
January 8, 2024
Targeting Prospects and Mastering Call Structure
January 31, 2024Description
A multiplayer Virtual World inside a website, where you can chat, play, or navigate along with random visitors.
Makes use of the most recent web technologies, such as HTML5 and WebSockets.
Client: ISO Interactive
When: March 2013 – May 2014
Role: Solo Programmer
Team: Troy Hipolito (Designer, Creative Director, Project Manager),
Frank de la Cruz (Editor),
Ognjen Skobo (Web Developer)
URL: http://www.isointeractive.com/
SmartFoxServer 2X (aka SFS2X):
The latest iteration of the SmartFoxServer product is a Java-based socket server known for supporting multiple platforms, with flexible server-side customization and great performance under heavy load.
Was used to power the avatar and NPC movement, the chat, and balance the visitor load by multiple rooms

Community Sift (formerly PottyMouth):
Community Sift is a powerful service for classifying and filtering text messages, known for its innovative system of ranking users based on their behavior and adjusting their limitations.
By attaching to SFS2X’s chat system, this service provided a powerful chat filtering system, promoting respectful chat/conversation inside the website.
Website Integration:
Modern Web technologies enabled a deeper integration with the website, such as:
Chat + Teleport Arrow
“Chat” tab – On the right side, there’s a “Chat” tab, which lets the user chat with other visitors from anywhere on the page, while keeping focus on the website’s content.
“Teleporting arrows” – On the floor of the Virtual World, there are some big arrows which, when touched with the avatar, the user is redirected to the corresponding page of the website.
Virtual World’s Dynamism:
A couple of features were added to turn the Virtual World more dynamic:
Pinball MachineNPCs (Non-Playable Characters) – Random avatars that travel around the VW, following real visitors or saying a couple of pre-set messages, controlled via a custom-made SFS2X extension.
Mini-games – Currently 2 games are available (Pinball and Air Hockey), activated by the correspondent big red buttons. Both support touch and keyboard input and are unique by their tiny size and resemblance to their arcade machine counterparts.