LinkedIn Multi-Touch Points Campaigns – Part 2
February 26, 20217 Best practices for Posting on LinkedIn
March 26, 2021Overview
This is a 4-part series on how to potentially organize your LinkedIn messaging and communicate better with your Network. This 3rd article concentrates on LinkedIn InMail.
InMail is a direct way to connect to potential clients

Please feel free to view the other articles but this is pretty much the skinny.
- Part 1 (this article) concentrates on the most basic and important campaign. It builds your network, communicates with the new individuals and reaches out to them after a certain period.
- Part 2 touches base on your entire 1st level connections (old and new) for various touchpoints and event-driven tasks.
- Part 3 concentrates and 2 campaigns for LinkedIn InMail. And best techniques to bypass the need to first having that individual connecting to your 1st level network.
- Part 4 talks about LinkedIn’s powerful social media features and how it can create 2-way traffic.
What is InMail
InMail is a powerful direct way to contact potential clients without the need to go through the initial relationship process of connecting. Messages are sent directly to another LinkedIn member you’re not connected to. If you have a Basic (free) account, you must upgrade to a Premium account to use InMail (we use LI Sales Navigator). You receive a specific number of InMail credits based on your subscription type.
Also to know and it is a bit of a secret but many people are in the OPEN network. Not getting into the details but what that means is you can actually InMail many OPEN network people without using your InMail credits. So you have the ability to run a series of messages similar to what you would do in an email drip.
About ReturnClient
In short, it helps you generate paying clients and build relationships through LinkedIn. We have an entire team of LinkedIn experts. Dedicated to vastly increase your social network, professional exposure and the number of potential clients for your business. We also help target your ideal clients and engage them for you to increase the number of conversations about your products and services. With customized LinkedIn campaigns for your business that saves you 6–7 hours of marketing and sales prospecting per day.
How much is your time worth?
Messaging Breakdown
These are just a few formulas and they constantly change as trends and LinkedIn changes. So create your own formula that works for you. Just use my recommendations as a starting point.
Generally, as I have other campaigns I try to use target 3rd + level connections. Others may want to 2nd level but whatever makes sense in your case. I tend to want to try to InMail people I normally could not connect with (hence 3rd + connections).
- One-shot direct LI InMail.You have the option to use InMail credits first or just target OPEN network individuals. If you do not plan on using InMail credits for your own independent/individual search then the best thing is to use them for this campaign. It should be conversational but a little more direct to the point as this is a one-shot InMail. You can add value by asking them if they would like to see material that would benefit them. This could be a video, URL, white paper, infographic, PDF, etc.
- Cadence LI InMails. This is a series of messages to people you are targeting that are way outside your network (for me 3rd level + connections). Conversations can be more friendly and shorter as it going to have 1 or 2 different follow-ups after. I would try to target people int he OPEN network so you are not sacrificing your LI InMail credits.
When Networking on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a business. Their goal is to sell you their services. So they do not like automated plugins and people that arbitrarily break their rules. So if you are going to start using your account to truly network and build a business, best to get LinkedIn Navigator. It is a paid service that allows you to better target your audience. And they continually look for plugins and that sort of thing and may block your account if you use them or have bad practices.
LinkedIn is a business
So there are a lot of best practices to avoid trouble and to get the best possible results.
Reach out
If you would like to engage with us or just to brainstorm, then feel free to contact us. We are here, open and ready! Click on my schedule and pick a time that works for you here
We look forward to the possibilities.
~Troy Hipolito